New farmer

Claire Toogood, a lecturer at Harper Adams University, is currently undertaking research on "Effective leadership, management and development of people working in agriculture and agri-food: supporting new entrants from non-agricultural backgrounds".

Her work focuses on collecting evidence on what works in practice when managing and developing people from non-agricultural backgrounds, and is funded by The Farmers Club Charitable Trust’s Agricultural Educator Award scheme. The research focuses on experiences in roles held for three months or more, so also applies to learners who have undertaken placements or seasonal work.

As part of the project she is also reviewing the promotion of agricultural and agri-food careers, courses and training, and any additional support or guidance that might be offered to applicants from a non-agricultural background.

Claire delivers final year modules, including Leadership and People Management, and International Human Resource Management. Her current research focuses on the retention of staff in agricultural and agri-food workplaces. Claire is also a qualified Careers Adviser, and has been responsible for data management in multiple institutions. She has further professional experience in human resources, project and client management, finance and taxation.

If your organisation is involved in running anything relevant, email her with details of your project to find out how you could get involved.