Our partners
We promote careers and skills within the land-based, aquaculture and environmental conservation sector, so work with a wide range of partners across Scotland, including the following organisations.
Apprenticeships.Scot promotes apprenticeships and vacancies in Scotland.
Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT) is a partnership working for Argyll which aims to maintain, enhance and promote the coast and countryside of Argyll and the Isles, so it can be enjoyed by residents, businesses and visitors.
British Agricultural and Garden Machinery Association (BAGMA) supports independent agricultural, garden and groundcare machinery dealers.
The British Horse Society is an equestrian charity providing a strong voice for horses and people with support, training and education.
CEG Gateway develops online services and resources which support career-related learning and professional development.
The Circle of supporters for the First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls #GenerationEqual.
Community Partnership for Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park is run by its members for the benefit of all the communities in and around the National Park. It provides guidance, support and information to help communities work together to shape and enhance their own community. Find out more about careers in activity tourism and land-based industries in the National Park area here.
Countryside Jobs Service is a great resource if you're looking for voluntary or paid work in our sector.
Countryside Learning Scotland is a unique Scottish charity helping people to learn about the countryside. With a particular concern for young people and those living in urban areas, it provides an adaptable programme of education, co-ordinating classroom speakers, offering resources on countryside topics and organising school visits into the countryside.
Dundee Outdoor Learning Partnership aims to inspire people in Dundee to be more connected to the great outdoors while promoting outdoor learning opportunities for all.
Education Scotland is the national body responsible for supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education, which also covers food and drink.
Food and Drink Federation Scotland is the voice of food and drink manufacturing and highlights the many careers on offer.
Food and Drink Skills Ambassadors inspire young people about careers in food and drink by speaking to pupils, teachers, parents and others.
Forestry Commission Scotland promotes the sustainable management of Scotland's forests and woodlands for the economy, people and environment. Here's their short video about a Modern Apprentice in trees and timber (and Lantra learner of the year winner).
Historic Environment Scotland is the public body which investigates, cares for and promotes Scotland’s historic environment.
Institute of Chartered Foresters is the Royal Chartered body for forestry and arboricultural professionals. Here's their YouTube video on careers in forestry.
Jobfarm is a great resource for young people looking for work experience in agriculture which aims to match them up to agricultural businesses.
LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) promotes sustainable agriculture, food and farming, helping farmers to produce good food, with care and to high environmental standards. It builds public understanding of food and farming in a number of ways, including organising Open Farm Sunday, which Lantra helps to promote.
The Mountains and the People make improvements on the ground and help people get involved within Scotland’s National Parks.
My World of Work for individuals is a great resource for finding the help you need for the career you want.
NFU Scotland promotes and protect the interests of its members by influencing government, the supply chain and consumers to secure a sustainable future for Scottish agriculture. Lantra has joined the NFUS in taking a dyslexia pledge for the benefit of farmers.
National Skills Academy for Food and Drink works with industry, supporters and partners to make UK food and drink the best in the world.
Our SkillsForce for employers is provided by Skills Development Scotland and pulls together a wide range of skills-related support into one place.
The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society encourages the science, art and practice of horticulture and advances education in gardening and horticulture.
The Royal Highland Education Trust brings farming and the working countryside and its practices to life for young people.
The Royal Highland Show is Scotland's annual farming and countryside showcase, organised by the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland.
RSABI is a charity which provides financial and practical support and friendship to over 600 individuals and their families across a range of occupations with the common theme of working on the land in Scotland.
Rural Skills Scotland is a not-for-profit organisation which was established to provide high quality and professional training for the rural sector.
Rural Wellbeing, the National Rural Mental Health Forum, organised by Support in Mind Scotland and dedicated to ensuring people in Scotland lead mentally healthy lives.
The Scottish Agricultural Wages Board exists to set minimum rates of pay and other conditions of service for agricultural workers in Scotland.
The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre supports the growth, sustainability and profitability of the Scottish aquaculture industry by bringing together industry and academia to provide innovative solutions to industry-defined problems.
The Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC) brings together young people in rural Scotland who are interested in agricultural and the countryside.
The Scottish Crofting Federation safeguards and promotes the rights, livelihoods and culture of crofters and their communities. It is the only member-led organisation dedicated to promoting crofting and the largest association of small-scale food producers in the UK. Watch Crofting's new voices video here.
The Scottish Gamekeepers Association promotes high standards in the profession, providing skills, training and education.
Scottish Land & Estates represents landowners across Scotland and promotes the benefits which land-based businesses provide for the countryside.
Scottish Natural Heritage is funded by the Scottish Government to: promote, care for, and improve our natural heritage; help people enjoy nature responsibly; enable greater understanding and awareness of nature and to promote the sustainable use of Scotland's natural heritage. Its mission is: “All of nature for all of Scotland”.
Scottish Qualifications Authority helps people to realise their potential and to achieve their ambitions by providing a wide range of high quality, internationally recognised qualifications and associated services.
The Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation co-ordinates industry initiatives, acting as a strong and trusted source industry voice.
The Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime (SPARC) has produced a strategy for preventing and tackling rural crime in Scotland, and we’re delighted to be part of the initiative.
STEM Ambassadors encourage and inspire young people to achieve more in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Lantra Scotland's work across the land-based, aquaculture and environmental conservation sector is supported by the Scottish Government.